December 25, 2004

The Best

Occasion: I wrote this one for my siblings for Christmas 1987.

To sit and think back on your life is a monumental task,
It gives you things to think about and questions you might ask,
You think about the things you’ve done and the places that you’ve been,
And you wonder if you had to, would you do it all again?

But mostly what you think of more than any thing thus far,
Is the people that you live with and who they really are.
They are relatives and neighbors, teachers, friends and foes,
Some you see from day-to-day while other no one knows.

It’s difficult to understand why I should be so blessed,
To have spent my life with people so much better than the rest,
I’m speaking of my siblings, with whom I’ve had my fights,
But without whom I might not have made it through so many nights.

The tallest one around the house is my oldest brother, Scott,
He’ll listen to my problems when all the rest will not.
He’s always been my confidante, my example and my friend,
And I know that he’ll be there for me when times are thick and thin.

I only have one sister, she’s the apple of my eye,
She’s as beautiful as Venus and as tough as any guy.
Except for my Mother she’s the best at things a Mom has done,
And I love my sister Kim as much as I love anyone.

The middle child is Craig, who so wants to succeed,
That he’ll do most anything to cover any need.
That’s not to say he’s greedy for he’d give up all he’s got,
To help when I’m in trouble or just love me when I’m not.

And then there’s Chris, the youngest, or the baby as it were,
He’s self-assured and confidant and a snap in school for sure.
I know that he will always have the things that he might need,
And with the savvy he’s been blessed with, he’s destined to succeed.

To be thankful for my brothers doesn’t seem to be enough,
And to love my sister dearly isn’t really very just,
So I pray that God will keep them and that they too will be blessed,
For they deserve the very most for to me they are the best.